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Does turning on and off the computer too much shorten the computer’s life? December 5, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — computersneedsleeptoo @ 4:54 pm
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Does turning on and off the computer too much shorten the computer’s life?
Even though this issue is debatable, most experts say no. Many people believe that this statement is true, so they just leave the computer on. Don’t do this! This is not beneficial for the life of the computer. In fact, turning off the computer will make the life of the computer longer since it reduces heat stress and other mechanic issues. If you happen to be turning on and off your computer 24/7 for some reason, then yes it will have an affect on your computer’s life. I believe that most of us here don’t, so it will not make a difference on the computer’s life, especially with the modern computers we have. Remember…

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